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Description: 可控制事件的线程包装类-The wrapped threads class of event that can be controlled
Platform: | Size: 200704 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 一个不错的通过设置任意多个事件(Event)来激发多个任务函数的线程类。- Is good (Event) stimulates many duties function through establishment wilfully many events the line regulation class.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 这是我们上java课时自己编的几个测试小程序,简单实用,相信大家用得到-This is our last class java own small number of test procedures, simple and practical, I believe we used to be
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 鹏程 | Hits:

[Graph programvtkFLTK-0.6.1

Description: vtkFLTK is a small C++ class library easing development of FLTK event-driven interfaces for use with VTK. vtkFLTK allows composition of complex graphical interfaces to complex visualization facilities by bridging disparities between FLTK and VTK event and windowing system handling. -vtkFLTK is a small C++ class library easing development of FLTK event-driven interfaces for use with VTK. vtkFLTK allows composition of complex graphical interfaces to complex visualization facilities by bridging disparities between FLTK and VTK event and windowing system handling.
Platform: | Size: 169984 | Author: Ying Zhu | Hits:


Description: TStatusBarPro is an improved version of Delphi s TStatusBar. Each status panel in this status bar can have its own color, font, indent, image, hint, popup menu, click event and double click event. The size of each panel can be adjusted automatically by either content of the panel or relative to size of other panels. In addition, each panel of TStatusBarPro can accept another control as its child controls.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: saaksid | Hits:


Description: 数字信号处理FPGA实现 实用程序和文件,有sine.exe ---输入宽度。输出对应的正弦波表 mif文件 csd.exe --- 寻找整数和分数的标准有符号数字量(canonical signed digit ,CSD)表达式程序 fpinv.exe --- 倒数计算浮点数表的程序 dagen.exe ---分布式算法文件生成HDL" onclick="tagshow(event)" class="t_tag">VHDL代码的程序 cic.exe ---CIC滤波器计算参数的程序 -Digital Signal Processing FPGA realization of practical procedures and documents, there are sine.exe--- input width. Sine wave output of the corresponding csd.exe--- Table mif file to find the integer and fractional number of the volume of standard symbols (canonical signed digit, CSD) Expression Programming fpinv.exe--- countdown procedures for calculation of floating-point form dagen.exe--- documents distributed algorithm to generate HDL " onclick =" tagshow (event) " class =" t_tag " > VHDL program code cic.exe--- CIC filter process parameters
Platform: | Size: 260096 | Author: kevin | Hits:

[Windows DevelopEvent

Description: 实现一个自定义事件,当自定义类的自定义事件发生时通知程序的其他部分-Implement a custom event, when a custom class custom events to notify other parts of the program
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: ice | Hits:


Description: Events - 描述所发生事件的对象 Java中有很多不同类型的事件类,用来描述不同 类型的用户动作  事件源 - 产生事件的组件  事件处理 - 一个接收事件对象并处理用户交互的方法-Events- the events described in the Java object, there are many different types of event class, to describe different types of user actions  event source- the component that generated the event  event handling- an event object to receive and process user interaction methods
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 金大鹏 | Hits:


Description: 飘浮文字跟随鼠标 JavaScript JavaScript特效 鼠标事件 鼠标事件类 鼠标特效 -Floating text follow the mouse JavaScript JavaScript mouse events effects mouse effects mouse event class
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 夏弥雪 | Hits:

[OS programComEvents

Description: COM 事件编程学习代码,VC6下编译通过-study COM Class programing ,source code
Platform: | Size: 2378752 | Author: youngcage | Hits:


Description: ManualResetEvent 事件类-ManualResetEvent event class
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 郑自永 | Hits:


Description: 可拖拽移动漂亮的弹出层、对话框、弹出窗口事件类JS代码-Can drag and drop to move a nice pop-up layer, dialog boxes, pop-up window event class JS code
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: gxnnlj6 | Hits:

[OS programbaselog

Description: 是一个独立的日志类处理软件,可连接到相应动态库中,调试很方便。-A software about the Event class. it is very useful
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 潘晨 | Hits:

[OS programjava_Event

Description: Java事件使用,写的三个调用事件类,可以下载直接调用-Java event used to write three call event class, you can download directly call
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: xxl | Hits:

[Software Engineering95

Description: 编程思路:本练习因为要实现华容道游戏中人物的构造,所以首先要生成表示人物的矩形块,这是通过语句Rectangle rect=null实例化Rectangle类,然后在People类的构造函数里通过语句rect=new Rectangle(x,y,w,h)实现有戏中人物的构造。然后因为要实现人机交互的效果,所以要响应当前光标的焦点事件,通过public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)函数得到焦点,通过public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)函数失去当前焦点,参数是焦点事件类FocusEvent的对象e.最后,因为要配合焦点的移动来设置颜色,所以用到了颜色类Color,当得到焦点的时候,通过语句setBackground(Color.red)将背景色设置为红色,当失去焦点的时候,通过语句setBackground(Color.orange)将背景色设置为橙色-Programming ideas: this exercise because Huarong game characters to achieve the structure, so the first character to generate said rectangular block, which is by the statement Rectangle rect = null instantiated Rectangle class, then class' s constructor People rect by the statement = new Rectangle (x, y, w, h) to achieve the structure Me characters. Then because to achieve the effect of human-computer interaction, so to respond to the current cursor focus events, through public void focusGained (FocusEvent e) function to get the focus, the focus of the current function lost through public void focusLost (FocusEvent e), the parameter is the focus of the event class FocusEvent The object e. Finally, because the focus moves to tie to set the color, so use a color class Color, when I get the focus through the statement setBackground (Color.red) set the background color to red, when losing focus, By statement setBackground (Color.orange) set the background color to orange
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 张飞 | Hits:

[OS programSerial-Port-Class

Description: 一个可以直接使用的串口操作类,这个类完成读、写和监视一个串口通信端口,当串行端口发生事件它会发送一个消息给其所属窗口, 该类创建一个读数据线程和一个写数据线程,使主程序不会被堵塞。-One can use the serial port operations, the completion of this class to read, write, and monitor a serial communications port, serial port when the event occurs it will send a message to the window to which it belongs, the class creates a thread to read data and write data to a thread , so that the main program will not be blocked.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 杨天 | Hits:


Description: 知识点:使用Graphics类制作方块,使用java.awt.Event类响应鼠标动作,使用Color类设置方块的颜色,使用int类记录光标的位置。   实现思路:首先要制作界面中的方块,通过Graphics类的对象函数g.setColor(Color.red)设置方块的颜色为红色,然后通过语句g.drawRect(0, 0, size().width - 1, size().height - 1)和g.drawRect(mx, my, (size().width/10) - 1, (size().height/10) - 1)绘制出两个矩形,完成方块的制作。然后实现“抓不住的方块”效果,要响应鼠标事件,通过函数public boolean mouseDown(java.awt.Event evt, int x, int y响应按下鼠标的动作,通过光标位置的判断来避免鼠标抓到界面中的方块-Knowledge: Use the Graphics class production box, use java.awt.Event class response to mouse movements, using color Color class settings box, use the cursor position int class record. Realization of ideas: First, to make the interface box, set the box through the Graphics class object function g.setColor (Color.red) color is red, then the statement g.drawRect (0, 0, size () width- 1. , size () height-. 1) and g.drawRect (mx, my, (size () .width/10)- 1, (size () .height/10)- 1) draw two rectangles, complete the box production. Then realize "box not catch" effect, to respond to mouse events, through the function public boolean mouseDown (java.awt.Event evt, int x, int y action in response to pressing the mouse, by judging the mouse cursor position to avoid grasping the interface box
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: rpudn61 | Hits:


Description: This the event class to indicate that a preference has been added, deleted or updated. -This is the event class to indicate that a preference has been added, deleted or updated.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: quexangqei | Hits:


Description: VS c#异步Tcp通信类,包含事件类和通信类-Asynchronous Tcp communication class, including the event class and communication class
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: LiuLiye | Hits:

[Windows Developevent

Description: 基类event描述时间、地点、事件;meeting类描述时间、地点、会议议程、参会人员;lecture类描述时间、教室地点、授课教师、课程名称、授课内容。(The base class event describes the time, place, and event; the meeting class describes the time, place, meeting agenda, participants, class lecture, description time, classroom location, instructor, course name, and course content.)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 家鸽 | Hits:
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